Mary Mazur – VAE President 2000

Mary in her Mustang that was in the movie "Me, Myself and Irene".
Mary Mazur “Me, Myself and Irene” Mustang

President in 2000 – South Burlington, Vermont

Mary was president in 2000 after serving as “Sunshine Chairman” and on the Board of Directors for several years. During her term she pushed to establish and maintain a web presence for the group. Her efforts on this front, continue to this day.

Much of the work she’s done for the club has been “behind the scenes.” She and husband Frank worked with a lawyer to draft the language for the Stowe Show Nickles Field Rental Contract as well as designing and producing the posters and brochures for the first three Shelburne Shows.

Mary was the driving force behind the 40th anniversary album published in 1993 and also worked on the 2000 Stowe Show poster and brochure. She and Frank both help with the set up and judging of most of the shows and have hosted many meets.

Mark your calendars! The Vermont Antique and Classic Car Meet is August 9-11, 2024!