Wesley Pope – VAE President 1966

President in 1966 – Jeffersonville, Vermont

Wesley was truly a man of many talents and interests, not in the least of them, being his love of antique cars. Wesley was a lifelong resident of Jeffersonville where he was instrumental in establishing the “Jeffersonville Ski Ways” which is now Smuggler’s Notch Ski Area.

Wes ran the local store, operated a restaurant, was the undertaker and built and restored furniture. He organized some memorable meets in the Jeffersonville area for VAE.

One memory of Wes was his boyish enthusiasm for unusual cars. Upon first sight of Jan Sander’s MGTC he came running out of his house and yelled “Hot Dang! She’s a beauty!”

Wes owned a 1909 Ford Roadster and 1931 Cadillac V-12. He was a moving spirit in the VAE being a person who appreciated history and looked to the future with spontaneous enthusiasm.

Mark your calendars! The Vermont Antique and Classic Car Meet is August 9-11, 2024!