Willis Spaulding – VAE President 1965

Willis Spaulding 1932 Studebaker Dictator 8
Willis and Shirley in their 1932 Studebaker Dictator 8. Photo taken in Essex 1976.

President in 1965 – Essex Junction, Vermont

Willis was and still is considered “Mr. Studebaker”, having owned a variety of them over the years. Perhaps his most memorable car was the 1932 Convertible Coupe which he acquired from Dale Lake after many years of persistence to convince Dale to give up the car.

After an extensive restoration with assistance from Dick Evans and others including a winter with the car housed on his closed in porch (his wife Shirley’s idea), the car received the President’s cup for the best restoration that year.

Mark your calendars! The Vermont Antique and Classic Car Meet is August 9-11, 2024!