VAE Memorabilia Gathering

St. Leo’s Hall 109 South Main St., Waterbury, VT., Waterbury, Vermont, United States

Saturday, January 25, 11 AM—3 PM. St. Leo’s Hall, 109 So. Main St., Waterbury, VT. It’s your time to shine! Do you have something (a collection, hobby or single item) that others would find interesting, amusing, entertaining? We’ll have tables set up for you to display such collection(s). Lunch will be potluck, so please bring a dish […]

VT National Guard Field Maintenance Shop Tour

VT National Guard Field Maintenance Shop 6115 Vermont Route 100, , VT, Hyde Park, Vermont, United States

Tour of VERMONT NATIONAL GUARD field maintenance shop, 6115 Vermont Route 100, Hyde Park, VT. 10:30 AM tour followed by lunch. Please bring a bag lunch for yourself. A business meeting will follow lunch. Coordinator: Jason Warren

Vermont Antique & Classic Car Meet

Farr’s Field 1901 US Rte 2W, Waterbury, VT, United States

Farr Field, Waterbury, VT. Stay tuned for more details…Coordinators: Duane Leach and Bob Chase