Adrian West – VAE President 1969

President in 1969 – Morrisville, Vermont

Adrian was much involved with the VAE in the sixties, editing Wheel Tracks, serving on the activities committee and holding the office of Vice President. More recently Adrian has headed up the judging efforts at Stowe and Essex, bringing his very thorough knowledge of fine cars to bear on this effort.

Adrian also served as Chairman of the Bylaws committee for several years and assisted the officers in parlimentary things.

Rolls Royce is the make of choice for Adrian and he has owned more than one of these fine automobiles, including a 1921 Silver Ghost limousine which he acquired from Bob Jones. The car was a featured car in Wheel Tracks in 1967 when Adrian was the editor but not yet the owner.

Mark your calendars! The Vermont Antique and Classic Car Meet is August 9-11, 2024!