Charles Arnholm – VAE President 1961

President in 1961 – Barre, Vermont

Charles Arnholm 1926 Mercedes Model K, Short Coupled Touring
Charles in one of his favorite automobiles, a 1926 Mercedes Model K, Short Coupled Touring, which was supercharged.

Charlie was known for his interest in the unusual and sometimes bizarre automobiles. He operated a body repair facility on the Barre-Montpelier Road where one was compelled to stop and check out his latest acquisition or creation.

Some of his favorite cars were a 1940 Buick Brewster Town Car which earned a “Best in Show” at Pebble Beach, a 1929 PI Springfield Rolls Speedster which he resurrected from being a manure spreader in 1960 (best damn spreader that farm ever had!), and a 1929 Pierce Arrow Speedster made from a sedan.

He also owned a speedster made from an American LaFrance fire engine by Gael Boardman, among many others. Note that “speedster” seems to appear often in the descriptions of Charlie’s cars.

Mark your calendars! The Vermont Antique and Classic Car Meet is August 9-11, 2024!