R. Avery Hall – VAE President 1991

R. Avery Hall 1928 Packard Sedan
Avery with his 1928 Packard Sedan at the Sugarbush Parade in 1991.

President in 1991 – Burlington, Vermont

Avery was asked by Gen Morgan in late 1987 if he would agree to chair the Essex Meet the following year since the ’87 chairman, Bob Wilson, was moving away.

Avery, after considering the challenge, agreed to do it and chaired the event in both 1988 and 1989 and has stayed involved with aspects of the show since then.

His major thrust at the Essex Show was to initiate the idea of special exhibits which are now a regular part of the show.

In 1990 Avery served as activities chairman and helped arrange a number of driving events including a time/speed/distance rally in the spring. He also was responsbile for interesting a number of enthusiasts in joining the VAE.

The big events in 1991, which Avery oversaw as President were the big move to Nichols Field for the Stowe Meet and the Bincentiennial Old Car Tour of Vermont.

Mark your calendars! The Vermont Antique and Classic Car Meet is August 9-11, 2024!