President in 1988 – Marshfield, Vermont
Tom became the chairman of the Stowe Meet in 1987 and has been in charge of closely involved with this, the major undertaking of the VAE, since that time.
He has brought a new level of management to the Stowe Meet which has now grown beyond anyone’s dreams or fears. As he once said, “It’s not a case of the ‘good old boys’ getting together for a show anymore.”
As president, Tom involved himself in all facets of club management in spite of his heavy involvement with Stowe. One thing which Tom always is careful to do, is to give credit where credit is due, always being sure that hose who worked hard on t aproject are recognized, including his family.
Since 1988 Tom has been the “cheif engineer” of the very important move of the Stowe Meet from the Top Notch Field to the Nichols Field on Route 100. This required extensive negoations with the Stowe Area Association, the Town of Stowe and the Nichols family in regard to the availability and sutability of a proper site.
Tom has a collection of trucks but he has requested that his “last ride” be in his White-Kress Firetruck which is always in the Stowe Parade with him at the wheel.