Author: Anne Pierce
Vermont’s Local Racers
While researching background on Dave Dion , the famous local race car driver, for the following story, I got to thinking about something that happened way back in the 1970s […]
Do I Put It In The Recycle Bin?
If you’re anything like me, when you’re traveling a great distance, you stop at rest areas to take a break from driving, use the facilities, or maybe get a candy […]
Everything Was Aligned That Day!
If you’ll all allow me to gloat this month, I want to tell you about a very special young woman here in Vermont, and that’s my niece, Michelle Archer. You […]
Happy 90th Birthday, Mom!
My mother celebrated her 90th birthday last month. It really got me thinking about how we throw around the terms “old folks,” “elderly,” “getting up there,” etc. That is definitely […]
Ever wondered how a beauty shop gets its name?
Have you ever wondered how a beauty shop gets its name? Well, riding shotgun in our truck as my husband, Don, drove us around Tucson this winter, the signs over the […]
What Spare Time?
Before I retired a couple years ago, I’d ask my mom if she would do me a favor and [fill in the blank]. I’d undoubtedly hear her say, “I’m very […]
The Softer Side of Barrett-Jackson
Don and I have been snowbirding in Arizona these last few months, and he got us tickets to the Barrett-Jackson car auction in Scottsdale for January 27. I have sat […]
Big Shoes to Fill
As you all, I’m sure, are aware by now, Gary Fiske a number of months ago sent word to the Board of Directors that he had made the big decision […]
Shuffle off to Buffalo? No, silly. Your list!
Have you ever noticed how things get lost in the shuffle? From the extra sock in the laundry room that hasn’t found its mate, to the health savings card sitting on your […]
This and That
It’s May – yeah! “April showers bring May flowers” and, hopefully, a lot of old “normal” for all of us. Did you know that phrase, according to George Latimer Apperson’s […]