Education & Outreach committee
- Wendell Noble — Chair
- Don Perdue — Vice Chair
- Ed Hilbert — Secretary
- Tom McHugh
- Scott Hogaboom
- Gary Olney
- Gael Boardman
- John Malinowski
- Gary Fiske
- Charlie Thompson
- Don Pierce
- Nancy Olney
VAE Antique and Classic Car Meet (Stowe) Co-chairs
- Bob Chase 802-253-4897
- Duane Leach 802-849-6174
The Shelburne Show Co-chairs
- Ernie Clerihew 802-483-6871
- Andy Barnett 802-862-4388
Wheel Tracks
Gary Fiske – Editor (Ex-Officio)
email Gary
2503 Duffy Hill Road
Enosburg Falls, Vermont 05450
home 802-933-7780
cell 802-363-1642
- Edi Fiske – Wheel Tracks proof-reader
- Clark & Isabelle Wright – Burma Shave editors
- L. Brown & Sons of Barre, VT – publisher
Sunshine Chair
Christina McCaffrey 802-862-3133
email Christina
Welcoming Committee
David Hillman
email David
Justin Perdue
email Justin