The Presidents Perk

To yet again quote a VAE founder, Bob Jones, “A good president should do nothing.” This re-occurring thought has served this year’s President pretty well… thanks to the exceptional efforts of the other officers, directors, show chair-people and those contributing to the committee work necessary to operate the VAE.

There are, however, several tasks that do need attention and are also really interesting. One is to select a favorite from VAE member restored cars.

This should be a car restored or at least completed in the current year by a member who was seriously involved in the restoration personally. This doesn’t mean that the owner did all the work them self… or polished a high-point car that somebody else has resurrected.

The award should be eligible to a this-year’s restoration that was overseen by the owner and where the owner contributed personally where his or her talents allowed. That said, there should be a number of candidate-qualified vehicles to be considered.

The President should then look at the cars, get the restoration story from the owner and make a personal decision on the car (or vehicle… could be a truck, bus, etc) and award a Presidential trophy.

Here is what you need to do. Nominate yourself and vehicle if you could be a contender. Or if bashful, nominate someone you think is deserving. Send those nominations to: Gael Boardman, 252 Upper English Settlement Road, Underhill, VT 05489 and please do it soon.

What a great opportunity for the President guy to get to see some great stuff up close… and what fun to win some recognition for a great job on a great car. Do it today.


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