VAE Classifieds

Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts Classifieds Advertising (free or paid) in Vermont Antique Automobile Society News (printed and on line) is a privilege. Advertising is free to all members of The Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts Club. Ads can be up to 60 words with an optional photo. Prices must be shown on all For Sale items along with full name and phone and/or email address. Your ads will appear in Wheel Tracks and on line for three months unless we are notified to remove it earlier. Non-members (non-business) can also place ads as described above at a cost of $10 per ad per month. Ads with photos, $15 per ad per month. Display (Business) Ads will also be accepted. Full Page (print only), $145/mo. 1/2 page (print only), $80/mo. 1/4 page (print only), $35/mo. 1/8 page (print only), $25/mo. Business Cards can be placed in our ‘Here’s My Card’ section for $10/mo. Display (business) ads can also be placed on our Web Site with links to your business web site. We also offer designed ads on our Web Site – Email for placements and design quotes. All advertising is accepted in good faith and only after our editors approval. Email ads are welcome and preferred. Please check for deadlines as All Fees Must be Paid In Full Before Publication, make all payments to ‘Wheel Tracks Ads’

Mark your calendars! The Vermont Antique and Classic Car Meet is August 8, 9 & 10, 2025! More info coming soon...