Waitsfield Cars & Coffee

Vee’s Flowers 4036 Main Street, Waitsfiled, VT, United States

First Sunday of each month at Vee’s Flowers, 4036 Main Street, Waitsfield. 9 AM—12 PM.

VT Antique & Classic Car Meet Committee Meeting

Revitalizing Waterbury 46 So. Main Street, Waterbury, VT, United States

3rd Wednesday of each month at – 7 PM at Revitalizing Waterbury, 46 So. Main Street, Waterbury. Co-chairmen: Duane Leach & Bob Chase.

Cars & Coffee Vermont

University Mall 155 Dorset St, Burlington, VT, United States

Third Saturday of each month at University Mall, Dorset Street, South Burlington. 7 AM—9 AM. Coordinator: John Malinowski http://carscoffeevermont.com

VAE Education & Charitable Outreach Committee Meeting

338 Commerce Street 338 Commerce Street, Williston VT, United States

338 Commerce Street 338 Commerce Street, Williston VT, United States EDUCATION & CHARITABLE OUTREACH COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Generally the 3rd Saturday of each month in Williston at 10 AM, 338 Commerce Street. Chairman: Ed Hilbert.

Waitsfield Cars & Coffee

Vee’s Flowers 4036 Main Street, Waitsfiled, VT, United States

Beginning in May. First Sunday of each month at Vee’s Flowers, 4036 Main Street, Waitsfield. 9 AM—12 PM.

Cars & Coffee Middlebury

A&W 1557 US-7, Middlebury, VT, United States

First Saturday of each month at A&W, Route 7, Middlebury. 7 AM – 9 AM. Coordinator: Dave Stone 802-598-2842

Cars & Coffee Vermont

University Mall 155 Dorset St, Burlington, VT, United States

Third Saturday of each month at University Mall, Dorset Street, South Burlington. 7 AM—9 AM. Coordinator: John Malinowski http://carscoffeevermont.com

VAE Education & Charitable Outreach Committee Meeting

338 Commerce Street 338 Commerce Street, Williston VT, United States

Generally the 3rd Saturday of each month in Williston at 10 AM, 338 Commerce Street, Williston VT, United States

Annual Burnham Library Car Show

Burnham Library 898 Main Street, Route 2A, Colchester, VT, United States

898 Main St., Colchester Village, VT. 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The library will supply coffee & donuts for participants. We park cars on the library lawn under the oak trees. Drive onto the lawn from the street where there is no curb. In past years we have had between 6 and 20 cars, a […]

Annual Anne Gypson Tour

Underhill Town Hall 12 Pleasant Valley Road, Underhill, VT, United States

Saturday at 10:30 AM. Meet at theUnderhill Town Hall, 12 Pleasant Valley Road, Underhill Center, VT. Please bring a bag lunch.Lunch and meeting will be after the tour. Coordinator: Judy Boardman.