HCS stutz touring car

A.K. Miller’s Famous Collection Reappears

I decided to attend the now famous Christie Auction in East Orange in September 1996. I convinced Ross Anderson, a new acquaintance to go to East Orange on the day before the auction to see the cars and possibly partner with me in buying one. After viewing the dust covered and neglected relics of another time we decided we would bid on at least one of the cars. I had met A.K. Miller back in the 1950s driving an HCS touring car and had visited him with John Hawkinson (Hawkeye) a few years later. This early contact had introduced me to the HCS brand and to A.K Miller’s personality which could only be described as odd.

Due to my early contact with A.K. Miller and some further research I became most interested in the HCS cars. Since HCS cars were built by Harry Clayton Stutz (thus HCS), after he had lost the Stutz Motor Car Company in a stock takeover, they were now considered to be Stutzes.

There were several HCS cars in the Miller collection. There were 3 or 4 four cylinder cars with wire wheels and one six cylinder car with disc wheels. It was very difficult to determine the condition of the over fifty cars in the short time available but we developed a list of the cars that we felt might be within reason and how much we would bid. On the next day (auction day) only I was able to attend the auction so it became my responsibility to do the bidding.

HCS touring car restorationThe auction was very well attended due to much publicity and the reputation of the Stutz name as well as the long standing anticipation of the break-up of this most unusual collection. The bidding was brisk. I was successful with my bid for the six cylinder HCS which was numbered lot #22. I made bids on a second HCS but was out bid to my relief.

A great deal of mystery surrounded A.K Miller and his wife, Imogene. They had moved from East Orange, New Jersey to East Orange, Vermont in the late forties, early fifties, bringing with them a huge collection of Stutz cars and other significant cars as well as an autogiro. They lived very frugally even though they had considerable wealth! Occasionally A.K. would agree to sell a car but he would withhold a crucial part for which he was the only source.

harry clayton stutz touring carWe brought our prize HCS and several hundred dollars of Stutz ephemera home to Burlington in my trailer and proceeded with the restoration. A few years after the purchase and the initial restoration, I purchased Ross’s share of the car and continued with the restoration. One can see from the photos that there was plenty to do. This year at Stowe Car Show this car received a first place indicating the restoration was a good one and a fitting tribute to Harry Clayton Stutz and to Alexander Kennedy Miller.


6 responses to “A.K. Miller’s Famous Collection Reappears”

  1. chad franklin

    have you ever drove the car back to the “farm” or the millers.

    1. Robert Cunningham

      I am Alex’s relative…let’s see, he was my mother’s cousin whatever that makes him to me. I knew him all my life anyway. The miller farm was sold. He had no kids or siblings. The New Jersey house (in which they wintered) was also sold. I attended the auctions of the cars and the antiques.
      Jay Leno bought one of the cars. My son sent a letter to the Jay Leno Garage asking if he could visit the car while on a trip. Jay Leno called my son and told him to give him a call when he go to the airport. Unfortunately the week my son went out was the week Jay was being replaced on the TV show, so Jay had someone from the garage show him around.

      1. Tony Nance

        I was Mr.Miller’s mailman for over 15 years; my Dad was ALSO his mailman!! He was a GREAT guy!! Friendly, had great stories and, since I was into designing and mechanical engineering, he LOVED showing me wild old parts and machinery in the house and garages!! I loved him and Imogene; they were WONDERFUL people and him and my Dad were friends until he passed.

  2. Jason Cunningham

    I’m a family member of Alec Miller and was 10 years old when I attended the auction and toured the cars. I never met Alec but there are plenty of family stories about him. I wish I had been able to afford one of the cars at the auction, but it makes me really happy to see the wonderful work you did in restoring this one. Great job! Jay Leno has a roadster from that auction which I got to visit when I was in California. Also nice.

    1. Norma. Garcia

      Have. Book. AK Miller collection. Barret Jackson. 1915. Some. Old. Calendars. 1971 1994. 96 98 99. Some. 2000and. Up. 1. Tractor vintage. 2004. Tel. 802. 384. 1700. Hartland. VT. Good. Condition

  3. George William Newport

    My grandfather meets A K Miller because he brings automotive gears to Fellow Gear Shaper in Springfield, Vermont, to have a replacement gear made, so we get invited up to the farm to see Mister Millers fabulous car collection, I do not go back after our one visit, this visit is in the sixties, I have not thought about Mister Miller until I see this article.

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