softer side

If Someone Gave Me a Lot of Money…

You have probably been asked this question many times; I know I have. If you had a lot of money……. The question next is… What is a lot of money? It probably depends on who you are asking. To some, a lot of money might be $1,000 or $10,000 or $100,000, or more. But it is interesting to hear what people answer. A new car or a new house or a vacation. A lot of people think big. 

Me, what I would do if I had a lot of money? I would probably hire someone to wash my windows. I don’t need a car or a new house, and my traveling days are pretty much over. But to have someone come to the house to clean my windows would be wonderful. How about spring cleaning too. I think it is called deep cleaning now. It seems I always put off any spring-cleaning chores until the wood stove isn’t used in the spring. The problem with that is by the time the stove is cold, there are so many outside chores that need doing that I don’t seem to get to any inside cleaning. 

I can usually find last year’s list with nothing crossed off. This year, it was picking up sticks from our windstorms. That went on for weeks until I was left with the tiny ones that the lawnmower could chop up. Meanwhile, the windows weren’t getting washed, the rugs weren’t getting shampooed, the winter blankets weren’t getting washed. I kept putting everything off, waiting for a long rainy spell. Well, we had the rainy spell and I read books. Just couldn’t get motivated to do much cleaning. 

Sadly, it has come down to the fact that I really don’t care anymore. I think this has to do partly with my age. I would rather go visit someone, go for a ride, or go to the library to get another book. Here it is, the be-ginning of July, and my winter jackets haven’t been put away. I must admit I had one on the other day when it was in the 40s. So why bother putting them away. I’ll just be wearing them in a few months. The same with my winter clothes. Why bother putting them away when I might need them next week. I did put my winter boots away though. I thought that was a safe move. 

Here it is, July, and as some of you know, I like to mow the lawn as long as the rider mower is working. So, why bother doing any spring cleaning when the lawn needs mowing. It isn’t even spring anymore. I might even get to wash a few windows eventually. Here is the other thing: Why hire someone to do something that I can do? Well, if I had to buy something if someone gave me a lot of money, I guess I would buy a VW Thing with no rust that will pass the VT inspection! 


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