Scholarship History

The following is some information about the formation of the scholarships given each year to students of the VTC.

In 1979 I started a program of giving to needy causes. With the permission of the VAE, I bought a model T parade car such as the Shriners use. This was bought with my own money and I had an account called the flivver account. My wife and I sent tickets to all members of the VAE to purchase and sell. We displayed the car at meets and even the Vermont Air Guard helped sell tickets.

When the winning ticket was pulled and after the profits were determined, we presented our $500 to the Rutland Rehabilitation Center for Children.

The following year I purchased another Model T and the proceeds this time went to Vermont Special Olympics. Some $1640 was realized. Somehow we got away from that program but over the years we have done very well money wise and now present six $1,000 scholarships to worthy students each year. We have come a long way since I was VAE president in 1979-80. We had very little money in our coffers and paid very small stipends to our worthy officers.

Lets hope that we will continue to grow and prosper and that our younger members will come forward and volunteer for all the programs we have in place.


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