Category: The Softer Side
The Duster Coat
The Duster Coat first caught my attention when my daughter, Tammy, decided to make one for a friend. She obtained a pattern from Etsy online and fabric from Joann’s. She completed […]
The Times They Are A-Changin’
Come gather ‘round people Wherever you roam And admit that the watersAround you have grown… I will let you google the rest of the song if you wish. It wasn’t really the […]
A little while ago I was talking to an old-timer who grew up in Underhill. We were reminiscing about the old days here in town. He went back further in […]
Vermont’s Local Racers
While researching background on Dave Dion , the famous local race car driver, for the following story, I got to thinking about something that happened way back in the 1970s […]
Getting Ready for Winter
The other day I was thinking about what had to be done before the first snow started to come down and realized that the jobs had changed over the years. […]
Rain Barrel Songs
The other day, during yet another rainy spell, I was watching the rain gutter downspouts spill water into a flower bed and thought about rain barrels. I went on Amazon […]
If Someone Gave Me a Lot of Money…
You have probably been asked this question many times; I know I have. If you had a lot of money……. The question next is… What is a lot of money? […]
For the Love of Cats
We got our first “family” pet when our sons were in third and fifth grade. It had been brought to our attention many times that it would be wonderful to […]
Do I Put It In The Recycle Bin?
If you’re anything like me, when you’re traveling a great distance, you stop at rest areas to take a break from driving, use the facilities, or maybe get a candy […]
Lucky Dogs
The other day I was stretched out on the couch in front of the wood stove looking at the cobwebs (it’s worse when the sun is shining) when it sounded […]