Sander’s VAE Meeting 2007

Looking to the east, the morning of May 20th dawn with low dark rain clouds and obscured mountains and the streets were wet from the last night’s rain.

By 10 AM a hardy group of VAE “Wheel Nuts” had gathered for a short road tour to the Sander’s automobilia complex. A few drops of rain did materialize, but then, as by some miracle, the clouds parted, the sun began to shine and the temperatures rose.

At 1 PM with 33 members participating in the meeting and having brought fine examples of down home culinary products, the covered dish event went on and was again a total success. Even without any specific food designations, the delicacies were many and varied. When the dinner bell rang, there was great scurrying to the serving tables and everyone had their fill with some even returning for seconds. (And you know who you are.)

As President Andy Barnett had a previous engagement for the date of this meeting and could not attend, 1st. VP, Nancy Willet made her executive debut conducting the meeting (to the resounding sound of a ground swell of applause from the gather membership and their guests) in a first class fashion.

Member Gene Napoliello explained the events of the June 2nd meeting which will take place at the Sheraton and is part of the welcoming activities of the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) Founders Tour which is being held in Vermont this year.

The meeting adjourned about 3 PM, with the attendees leaving gastronomically full and satisfied after a great meal and another informative tour and Club meeting.

If you have never attended a VAE meeting, you are missing out on a truly great social and informative opportunity, so the next time you can, come on down and join the fun.

Lastly, but not least, a grateful thanks to the Sander clan for all their efforts on behalf of the
V. A. E.


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